
Saturday, 1 March 2014

Near miss

This morning I went to the coastal patch to see if anything was doing. Cormorants had increased from three to four and were showing absolutely no signs of beginning to nest build at all. A group of 10 were flying over the sea from the east but they failed to notice me standing on the cliff top armed and dangerous with my notepad and pencil and continued flying towards the west until out of sight. The Raven situation was even worse - didn't hear or see a single one!! In fact if it wasn't for a couple of Meadow Pipit's taking part in display flight you could have mistaken the 1st March for mid December.
After lunch it was a walk down the road to the woods to find this bloke Stuart to get permission to put boxes on his land. Between my road and the woods is a Rookery, rooks nests now number three. Wandering down through the woods I thought a picture taken against the sun of the stream and converted to black and white might look nice -   

shows up the dust spots as well.....

Anyway, in the woods I found this existing Tawny Owl box, I think it's the only one in the woods.

I heard some 'crests and stopped to see if they were Goldcrests or Firecrests. They were Goldcrests but whilst observing them, standing there minding my own business doing no harm a large stick fell out of a tree and landed literally 6 inches away from my feet - almost the second time in a couple of weeks for getting struck on the head with sticks.....

Eventually I found Stuart's place, quite excited that I might be granted permission to erect boxes on his land - a knock on his door ready for an introduction, the million dollar question and -

he was out........


  1. Hi Simon, is it out of the normal for all the nest boxes to be empty at this time of the year ?

  2. Perfectly normal. They wont kick off until April near the end of the month. I've just put it there early out of boredom at work on a Friday afternoon :-)

  3. Ah ok, I thought it was to early, but seeing you put it up it made me think twice
