
Monday, 17 February 2014

Shit turns good

I never swear but this morning's start to the day has made me break my golden rule of - no swearing.
I woke up this morning knowing I had to cycle to work. No car today, no chance of a lift. There was a small amount of precipitation in the atmosphere. Well, in actual fact it was raining heavy, very heavy indeed. Sometimes cycling in heavy rain can be weirdly enjoyable if your in a weird mood. This morning was different - I had strong wind against me. It made it hard. It made it uninspiring. I had 13 miles to cycle. After two miles I had had enough, after four miles I had lost the will to live. Half way through my journey and I joined the main road - great, now I had big lorries covering my face with their spray as they sped past. It was horrendous. At that moment in time I would have preferred to be working in a Polish salt mine. Sorry Aleks if you are reading :-)
I was 3 miles from Falmouth Docks my destination, when the rain began to ease off and it all suddenly became worth it - a Song Thrush was singing, in full voice. It inspired me and put a smile on my face. I got to work and into the shower - I had stupidly left my deodorant in my locker, something I had only noticed when undressed. I dressed and went back to get it, got back into the shower and slipped - managed to stay upright thankfully.
Could the day get any worse? Thankfully it didn't. A reasonably good day at work, a cycle ride home in the dry and it was time to get down to business -
20 planks ready to mark up for cutting tomorrow night. Another 20 nest boxes, hopefully all ready for the weekend to go up with two Tawny Owl boxes and a Treecreeper box.
20 planks ready for cutting after being marked up tonight

2 x Tawny Owl boxes ready for some more safe ladder erecting fun

My first Treecreeper box (and last of this design). My next boxes for Treecreeper will have no back in future enabling the birds to access the boxes without leaving the tree

Whilst marking the wood Tommy came out to help. He didn't provide much assistance.

As the final planks were being marked the day ended as it had began - no, not cycling in the rain but with a Song Thrush singing in the distance.

And to quote Walt Disney - That's all folks........

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