
Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Happy times

Today was one of those day's I'll remember for a long time. Last year I was served redundancy notice at work of which I appealed against. My appeal letter worked and I was re-instated. Had it failed, after 22yrs of working in Falmouth shipyard, today would have been my last day. Tomorrow I would have been jobless.

It'll also be remembered for making a new friend. I have worked with thousands of ship's crews from all over the world in drydock and for the last 6 years hundreds of Safety Officers. They come and go, I take no notice but one I have just finished working with has actually, after two weeks, turned into a friendship. Aleks, a Polish Safety Officer has been a great person to work with, so much so we are staying in touch. What's really nice as well about this is that next year I am taking a week's holiday in Krakow, something I have spent the last 3 years threatening to do. Great wildlife to be had there so hopefully Aleks, you'll be home when we come out. After not having had a passport for 21 yrs and never actually owning a full passport I quite like the idea of visiting the fishponds in the Upper Wisla Valley, the Tatra Mountaines, Auschwitz and Wieliczka Salt mine. I cant wait, getting quite excited even though it's 14 months away.

The nest boxes - great progress made in the garage tonight - 10 boxes ready, well on target to be finished by weekend. Problem is - I think I'm going to run out of screws before finishing!!!!

I was going to order a sheet a marine ply tonight from the local timber merchant with a cutting plan for Treecreeper boxes. Far easier for them to cut it than me. After spending three hours drawing up a cutting plan for a whole sheet of ply a few weeks ago by looking at and using a design that seems to be successful in Poland and Finland I can proudly announce - I've lost the bloody thing!!!!!

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