I think I have managed to get out around three times this year, most disappointing for it's now the second week of Feb. Having been inspired by Lou Mary's post (here) after her Treecreeper sighting I decided to go down to my patch to see if I could see any in addition to the one I found the other weekend. I took my camera.....
The "Patch" is a woodland area 10 minutes walk from my house. This first shot shows the stream running through it in some rare sunshine
and one of my boxes
This is a favorite area of mine harboring Chiff Chaff in the winter, Goldcrest and Coal Tit. It'll be great if Coal Tit use a box and the Goldcrest stay to breed.
This conifer tree has only recently fallen - such a shame
and this beast of a nest belongs to a Wren - ok it's a Buzzard's nest
located in this group of conifer it's too high for me
and no - I didn't see Treecreeper
Thanks for your link to my blog! Much appreciated. Sorry to hear you weren't in luck with a sighting. My sighting was the first in a long long time!