For three years my local woodland has been my main nesting patch and for three years I have tried to find Coat Tit's nests without success. Today, after dinner, I parked up the car next to the woods just as a Coal Tit flew into the wall adjacent to some bracken. Further investigation proved that this hole in the wall is indeed a nest site with the vegetation around the hole rounded and smoothed off. Unfortunately the cavity is too deep, I do not have an endoscope and my first Coal Tit nest has gone begging -

Today (and tomorrow) has been spent trying to fill in the gaps in the nest box scheme - size of full clutches, species, and boxes still at NL. The aim of the day was to extract all the missing information from Stennack Wood, which is Area 1 in the woodland. I had thought about and allowed all day for this. A beautiful sunny morning brought the birds to life, many females off feeding rather than sitting tight and being fed on the nest. As a result all boxes but one were complete by lunchtime. Huge bonus.
The afternoon was spent in 10 Acre Wood, the sun had gone in, conditions became cooler and the birds slowed down a little. One box was known to contain Great Tit which are more sensitive to disturbance than Blue Tit's so, rather than check the box I hid behind a tree waiting for her to come out and feed. After 10 minutes or so the male began to call, this is it I thought, she's coming off. Quite the opposite actually as landing in some holly very close to the box the female appeared cleaning her bill. She was already out and had just finished feeding! I got up quickly, thankfully she saw me and flew higher up allowing me to inspect the box safely.
Another oddity turned up today, the 3rd box in the woods this season to have eggs laid on bare wood. Cant really work out what on earth is going on with this.
presumed Great Tit on bare wood